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Cedar Creek Blaze of Amber AR2*D
Barn Name:

Blaze was bred by Cedar Creek Mini Nubian Farm.  Blaze has great body conformation with a nice straight top line, pronounced brisket, deep wide body, and gorgeous Roman nose!  I also love her coloring!  Her coat pattern is referred to as co-dominant or combination as both patterns are visible, Sundgau (Black and Tan) and red cheek.  She also has a partial white belt.  She can be a bit finicky on the milk stand, so we've had to get creative from time to time.  However, she's such a sweet goat, so we can forgive her most anything!  

Blaze was born in February 2019, and stood just over 24 inches at 2.5 years old.  She first freshened with twins, a buckling and doeling, in 2020.  She joined our farm in early June 2021 after her second freshening of a singleton doeling retained by Cedar Creek.  For her third freshening, she gave us buck/doe twins from our herdsire, TNF Ranch Rhode Dendrun.  We retained her doeling, CFFTX RD Blaze's Mosaic.  In 2023, she gave us quadruplets, 3 bucklings and a doeling.  However, we lost her doeling unexpectedly a few months later.  

In 2022, Blaze earned her milk star designation, AR2*D, on 305-day test from TMGR by producing 1,172 pounds of milk and 51 pounds of butterfat in 176 days!     

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Goat Trails Glory's Legacy Winston *B

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Winston is a stunning dude very muscular and substantial, while maintaining good dairy character.  He was bred by Goat Trails at Creekside Farm, who has a wonderful website of his lineage here.  

Winston's Lineage:

D: Sonflower Ranch's Naomi *P

     DD: Sonflower Ranch's El Dora

          DDD: Sonflower Ranch's Fiona

               DDDD: Sonflower Ranch's Elinore

               DDDS: Echo Hill's Eric

          DDS: Sonflower Ranch's Denver

               DDSD: Sonflower Ranch's Deidre

               DDSS: Paw Paw Nin Chico

     DS: Soaring Heart's Gilles

          DSD: Soaring Heart's Paris J

          DSS: Soaring Heart's Rio Bravo *B

               DSSD: Echo Hill's Sierra Sarah *P

                    DSSDD: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind

                    DSSDS: Echo Hill's Dashing Dakota

               DSSS: Echo Hill's Cracker Jack *B

                    DSSSD: Echo Hill's Cinnamon Spice Girl 2*P

                    DSSSS: Heart's in Dixie Indian Boy

S: Hurlburt Farm KC Savor the Glory *B

     SD: Green Gables Beaming Jolene 3*P

     SS: Green Gables SOF King Camo *B

          SDD: VMCH Green Gables MoonBeam *B

               SDDD: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P

               SDDS: Echo Hill's Shining Star +B

          SDS: Echo Hill’s Molly O’Malley 2*P


Green Gables MB Amber-Rose *P

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Amber is the herd queen at Cedar Creek Farm, and is in the lineage of several of our goats on the farm!  She has amazing breed character and has earned her milk star!

Amber's Lineage:

D: Green Gables FF Amber

     DD: Green Gables CB Ivory *P

          DDD: Green Gables HDH Hail Storm

          DDS: Country Dreams Charlie Brown

     DS: VCH Green Gables USG Freedom Fighter +*B

S: VCH Green Gables SS MoonBeam +*B

     SD: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P

          SDD: Country Dreams Rosebud *P

          SDS: VCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant +*B

     SS: Echo Hill's Shining Star +B

          SSD: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind

          SSS: FMCH Rainbow Meadows Charlie Brown +B

Sire's Sire:

Hurlburt Farm KC Savor the Glory

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Sire's Dam:

Sonflower Ranch's Naomi

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Glory, as he is called on his current farm, Half-Pint Dairy, was bred on Hurlburt Farms.  He's a beautiful dark brown bezoar buck!   Hurlburt Farms has some great webpages of Glory's dam and sire, which are linked below.  They are both Green Gables bred, so for their lineages I've included links to Green Gables Mini Nubian webpages as well.  

Glory's Lineage:

D: Green Gables Beaming Jolene 3*P 

     DD: Echo Hill’s Molly O’Malley 2*P*V

     DS: VMCH Green Gables MoonBeam *B

S: Green Gables SOF King Camo *B

     SD: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P

     SS: VMCH Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B

Naomi was bred at Sonflower Ranch.  The folks at Goat Trails at Creekside Farm have a wonderful webpage with photos of her and some of the goats in her lineage here.

Naomi's Lineage:

D: Sonflower Ranch's El Dora

     DD: Sonflower Ranch's Fiona

          DDD: Sonflower Ranch's Elinore

               DDDD: Sunflower Ranch's Darby

                    DDDDD: Sunflower Ranch's Carmel Candy

                    DDDDS: Echo Hill's Abraham

               DDDS: Blue Oak's Silversmith

                    DDDSD: Blue Moon Ranch Meridian

                         DDDSDD: Blue Moon Ranch Gidget *P

                         DDDSDS: Echo Hill's Saxon

                    DDDSS: Rusty Nail Acres Wrangler

                         DDDSSD: Echo Hill's Pansy

                         DDDSSS: Echo Hill's Lord Socrates

          DDS: Echo Hill's Eric

               DDSD: Echo Hill's Easter Returns

                    DDSDD: Hackmann Farm's Easter Sunrise 2*P

                    DDSDS: Echo Hill's Lord Tobias *B

               DDSS: Echo Hill's Jonah

                    DDSSD: FCH Echo Hill's Lady Takara

                    DDSSS: FMCH Echo Hill's Lord Ulysses*B      

     DS: Sonflower Ranch's Denver

          DSD: Sonflower Ranch's Deidre

               DSDD: Sunflower Ranch's Chocolate Kiss

               DSDS: Echo Hill's Abraham

          DSS: Paw Paw Nin Chico

               DSSD: Paw Paw Nin Willa

               DSSS: Paw Paw Nin Vlad to the Bone

S: Soaring Heart's Gilles

     SD: Soaring Heart’s Paris J

          SDD: Soaring Heart's Easter Lily

               SDDD: Daystar's Mona

               SDDS: Echo Hill's Flap Jack

          SDS: FCH Soaring Heart's King of Pop

               SDSD: Echo Hill's Lady Grace *P

               SDSS: Cornerstone Farm Napoleon          

     SS: FMCH Echo Hill's Rio Bravo +*B 

          SDD: FMCH Echo Hill's Sierra Sarah *P

               SDDD: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind

               SDDS: FMCH Echo Hill's Dashing Dakota +B                             

          SDS: Echo Hill's Cracker Jack

               SDSD: Echo Hill's Cinnamon Spice Girl 2*P

               SDSS: Heart's In Dixie Indian Boy

Dam's Sire:

VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam *B

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Dam's Dam:

Green Gables FF Amber

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Moonbeam also from Green Gables, and can be found in the lineage of many of the goats on our farm.  You can find more information about him and his lineage on his webpage on Green Gables Mini Nubians website below.  

Moonbeam's Lineage

Amber is a beautiful, solid gold Green Gables doe!  Eliyah Elmquist, the breeder at Green Gables, has such amazing webpages for all of her goats, I have simply linked the page she created below.  On it you can find Amber's immediate lineage, extended pedigree, amazing photos, and SO much more!  

Amber's Lineage

Current Kids
Past Kids
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