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CFFTX RD Blaze's Mosaic
Barn Name:
Mosaic is a sweet and loving goat. She is always one of the first to come up for scritches, and is a huge fan of cookies just like her dam! Mosaic was born in 2022 and also exhibits some of the improvements over her dam that we were hoping for! She has a soft, well attached udder with a strong mid-line. Her udder is buttery soft and milks out quickly and easily. Mosiac is black and exhibits the red cheek pattern as well. She also has frosted ears and nose, moon spots and random white. She freshened for the first time in 2023 with buck/doe twins.
TNF Ranch Rhode Dendrun
Rhode is one of our current herd sires. Check out Rhode's page for more on his lineage.
Cedar Creek Blaze of Amber AR2*D
Blaze is one of the does in our herd. Check out Blaze's page for more on her's and Mosaic's lineage.